Šodien ārā spīd saule, Latviju iekrāso rudenīgas lapas, taču mēs, kāzu organizatori, plānojam ziemas kāzas.
Šoreiz Jums iedvesmai, izņēmuma kārtā nevis mūsu pašu
organizēto kāzu fotogrāfijas, bet gan tas, kas no visas pasaules iedvesmo mūsu
Today the sun is shining, the autumn leaves are coloring Latvia, meanwhile we - wedding planners - are planning winter's weddings.
This time as an inspiration for You, exceptionally not our own organized wedding's photos, but something from all over the world that inspires our team.
Today the sun is shining, the autumn leaves are coloring Latvia, meanwhile we - wedding planners - are planning winter's weddings.
This time as an inspiration for You, exceptionally not our own organized wedding's photos, but something from all over the world that inspires our team.
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Ziemas kāzu ielūgums viesiem jau laicīgi rosina kāzu noskaņu. The wedding invitation already gives a wedding-like mood for the guests. |
! Ziemas kāzām, pēdējais termiņš pieteikties pie
organizatoriem ir 1 mēnesis un 1 diena, jo tad pēc Latvijas likumdošanas ir
pēdējais termiņš dokumentu iesniegšanai laulību ceremonijai.
Winter's weddings have a 1 month plus 1 day dead line to apply at the organizators, because that's the dead line for submitting documents for the wedding ceremony by the Latvian legislation.
Winter's weddings have a 1 month plus 1 day dead line to apply at the organizators, because that's the dead line for submitting documents for the wedding ceremony by the Latvian legislation.
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Laulību ceremonija ziemā - viss baltā mīļumā. Wedding ceremony - everything into a white loveliness. |
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Fotosesija gan uzsverot ziemu, gan esot drosmīgiem un uz mirkli novelkot virsdrēbes. Photo-session to emphasize winter and braveness to take off the outerwear for a moment. |
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Svinību telpas ziemā var pārvērst pasakā! The celebration rooms You can turn into a fairy-tale. |
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Apsnigusi torte un saldumu galds ziemas kāzās. A cake and a sweet's table buried into snowflakes. |
Kāzu video, ar ziemas kāzām Latvijā, skatieties šeit:
Wedding's video with a winter's wedding in Latvia watch here:
Wedding's video with a winter's wedding in Latvia watch here:
Latvijā pirmā laulību ceremonija ārā 12.12.12.:
- Santa un Vilnis atsauksme pēc kāzām.
The first outdoor wedding ceremony in Latvia on 12.12.12.:
- Santa and Vilnis wedding TV3
- Santa and Vilnis blog post
- Santa and Vilnis testimonial after the wedding.
The first outdoor wedding ceremony in Latvia on 12.12.12.:
- Santa and Vilnis wedding TV3
- Santa and Vilnis blog post
- Santa and Vilnis testimonial after the wedding.
Savukārt mūsu mājaslapā no ziemas kāzām varat skatīt: "Dite un Aivars kāzas" kā arī "Dite un Aivars 1 gada kāzu jubileja".
Also at our homepage from winter's weddings You can see: "Dite and Aivars wedding" and "Dite and Aivars 1 year anniversary".
Also at our homepage from winter's weddings You can see: "Dite and Aivars wedding" and "Dite and Aivars 1 year anniversary".
Ja interesē ziemas kāzas zaļos un sarkanos toņos, tad ieskatieties iepriekšējā gada decembra Zanes un Nikolaja kāzu fotogrāfijās vai arī bloga ierakstā: "Kāzas ziemā. Eikaliptu zaļais un dzērveņu sarkanais".
If You're interested in winter's weddings in green and red tones, You can see last year's December's photos of Zane and Nikolajs wedding or a blog post: "Wedding in winter.Eucalyptus green and cranberry red".
If You're interested in winter's weddings in green and red tones, You can see last year's December's photos of Zane and Nikolajs wedding or a blog post: "Wedding in winter.Eucalyptus green and cranberry red".
Ja vēlaties precēties ziemā - gaidām Jūs!
If You want to marry in winter - we are waiting for You!
Idejas no ārzemju lapām, šajā apskatā ņemtas no:
Ideas in this post are taken from these homepages from abroad:
If You want to marry in winter - we are waiting for You!
Idejas no ārzemju lapām, šajā apskatā ņemtas no:
Ideas in this post are taken from these homepages from abroad: