c o n t i n u e t o r e a d i n e n g l i s h b e l o w ..
Šodien "Sestdiena" raksta par rītdienas, 14. februāra pasaules Ginesa rekordu - 50 pāri vienlaicīgi precēsies gaisa balonā. Daži no šiem pāriem pie mums iegādājās laulību gredzenus no Schalins.
Sauli, maz vēja un iekšēji ideālo sajūtu novēlu visiem 100 laimīgajiem!
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"Sestdiena" 13.02.2016 |
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Andas un Māra Laulību ceremonija brīvā dabā. |
Jautājumus Andai un Mārim uzdod "Sestdiena" žurnāliste Anna Strapcāne.
Cik ilgi jau esat kopā? - Rit jau burvīgais 12. gads!
Kad bija kāzas? - 16.07.2015.g.
Kā iepazināties? - Iepazināmies augstskolā, mācījāmies
vienā kursā!
Cik ātri sapratāt, ka gribat precēties? - Ka vēlamies
savu dzīvi pavadīt kopā uz visiem laikiem sapratām pēc apmēram 4 gadu kopā
Kāds bija bildinājums? - Tas bija negaidīts un bija
Ziemassvētku laikā 25. decembrī, kādā Rīgas restorānā!
Kāpēc izvēlējāties netradicionālāku ceremoniju, kas
nenotika baznīcā vai dzimtsarakstu nodaļā? - Pēc mūsu domām laulības ir
augstākais mīlestības apliecinājums viens otram! Gribējās, lai šī diena ir
vienkārša un tai pašā laikā perfekta un liek justies brīvi un komfortabli mums
mīļā vidē-dabā pie ūdens!
Kāpēc Jums bija svarīgi, lai ceremonija ir citādāka? -
Mums tas nebija svarīgi, taču vēlējāmies, lai šī diena radītu augstāko laimes
Kādus vēl variantus apsvērāt? - Īsti tādu noteiktu
variantu mums nebija, aizgājām uz aģentūru, satikām Daci, izstāstījām, ka
gribam apliecināt savu mīlestību arī citu priekšā un ka nevēlamies standarta
kāzas, un ka mūsu stihija ir ūdens! Dace kā labā feja visu saprata un vieta
bija rokā! Kaut kur bijām domājuši par Latvijas pilīm, taču līdz galam tas
sirdi neuzrunāja.
Cik viegli bija abiem vienoties par konkrētu vietu,
ceremonijas veidu? - Par vietu un veidu mums nebija nekādu diskusiju, mēs
vienojāmies vienbalsīgi, jo 11 gadus dzīvojot kopā pazīstam viens otru no pus
vārda un zinām, kas padara mūs laimīgus.
Dažreiz ir tā, ka pāra vecāki ļoti uzstāj uz
tradicionālām lietām, cik viegli Jums bija saskaņot ar vecākiem, ja tas vispār
bija aktuāli? - Vecāki bija vienkārši laimīgi, ka beidzot šis notikums notiks
un viņiem nebija svarīgi vai tas ir tradicionāli vai ne tik! Kā arī Dace
sarunāja mācītāju, kurš mūs oficiāli laulāja brīvā dabā.
Ko pati vide, atrašanās vieta deva ceremonijai? - Tas
bija fantastiski, ka tu stāvi pie ļoti skaista altāra, klausies mācītāju un
fonā dzirdi ūdens šalkas un putnu čalas! Mēs ne mirkli nenožēlojam, ka
izvēlējāmies šādu ceremonijas formātu, tas bija brīvi un atbrīvoti, taču ļoti
eleganti un kā pasakā!
Kādas bija Jūsu sajūtas? Viesu atsauksmes? - Mēs bijām un
esam ļoti laimīgi! Esam runājuši, ka ja būtu otra iespēja neko nemainītu, un
neiebilstu, ja mūsu bērni izvēlētos, ko līdzīgu! Viesi bija sajūsmā un teica,
ka izbaudīja katru mirkli un mīlestību, kas virmoja visapkārt! Daba visus bija
atbrīvojusi un ļāva katram atrast sev vēlamāko stūrīti!
Papildus vēlējos piebilst, ka tas viss nebūtu bijis
iespējams bez aģentūras un Daces, kas mūs uzklausīja un saprata! Tik mīlas
pilnu un pasakainu dienu mums pašiem nebūtu bijis iespējams noorganizēt! Dace
mums ļāva atbrīvoties un ļauties pasakainajai dienai!
Anda un Māris
Today in newspaper "Sestdiena" about Guinness record which will
be on 14th February- 50 couples get married at the same time in air balloons.
Some couples bought "Schalins " wedding rings from us. We wish sun, no
wind, and perfect inner feeling to all 100 happy people.
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"Sestdiena" 13.02.2016 |
Newspaper "Sestdiena" interviewed
my three couples.
About two of them you can read in
"Sestdiena", including Inese and Fabian ceremony on the boat
"Vecrīga" and Sanitas and Viļņa ceremony in winter, castles garden,
but about the third one read below.
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Andas & Māra ceremony in nature. |
For Anda
and Māris it was very interesting and different wedding. It was created
based on their personalities, interests and hobbies. After a while there will
be a possibility to see video of the wedding day.
Questions for Anda and Māris, given by
"Sestdiena" journalist Anna Strapcāne.
How long are you together? - Tomorrow will be
charming 12 years.
When was the wedding day? - On 16.07.2015
How did you meet? - We met in high school, we
studied in one course!
How fast did you understand that you want to
marry? - That we wanted to live together for the rest of our lives we
understood after around 4 years
How did he propose to you? - It was suddenly,
on Christmas time- 25th of December, in restaurant.
Why did you choose non-traditional ceremony,
not a ceremony in church or Marriage Register? - In our thoughts marriage is
the highest love approval to each other! We wanted this day to be easy and
perfect at the same time. A day that makes us feel free and comfortable in a
place that we like- near the nature and water!
Why it is so essential for You, that the
ceremony is different? - It wasn`t essential for us, we just wanted that his
day get the highest happiness mark!
Was there any other options? - Actually there
wasn`t any other, we went to agency to meet Dace, told her that we want to
approve our love to others, and that we don`t want any standard wedding
ceremony. We told her that water is for us! Dace like a good fairy understood
everything and got a place for us! Deep inside we thought about Latvian
castles, but it wasn`t for us.
Was it easy to agree about the place and
ceremony style? - There wasn`t discussions about the place and style. Because
of living together 11 years has made us understand each other from half word,
which makes us happy.
Sometimes from parents side there is the
pressure about the traditions, was it easy to agree with them about your
ceremony? - Parents were just happy that
this will happen, they didn`t care about the way- is it traditional or not.
Also Dace arranged pastor, who officially married us.
What did the environment, location gave to
ceremony? - When you are standing at a very beautiful altar, listening to
pastor and background music is bird and water sounds- it was fantastic! We
don`t regret that we choose this kind of ceremony style, that was free, but in
the meantime very elegant, just like in a fairytale!
What were Your feelings? Guest feedbacks? -
We were and still are very happy. We talked about that if there would be
another chance, we wouldn`t change anything, and wouldn`t raise any objections
if our kids will choose something similar. Guests were excited and said that
they enjoyed every single moment and love that sparkled around. Nature relaxed
everyone and let them find their own corner.
And I wanted to add that all this wouldn`t be
possible without agency and Dace, who listened to us and understood! We
wouldn`t be able to create such a loveful and wonderful day by ourselves. Dace
let us relax and "go with the flow".
Anda & Māris