During the whole wedding planning for
Svetlana and Tur I had a feeling that right next to strong Tur, Svetlana can be
so sweet, soft and feminine.
Special evening feeling that was built up
thanks to Valters Ozoliņš decorations, along with actor Egils Melbārdis and musician
Intars Busulis.
c o n t i n u e t o r e a d i n e n g l i s h b e l o w ...
Īpašais vakars Valtera Ozoliņa veidoto dekorāciju noskaņās, kopā ar aktieri Egilu Melbārdi un mūziķi Intaru Busuli!
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Kāzu dienas rīts. / Weddings morning. |
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Sievišķīgums it visā - rīta pucēšanās. / Femininity in everything- mornings dress up. |
This has been my second wedding where couple
planned to have their wedding in the church whose restoration is financially
supported. I’m thankful for this contribution to society.
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Laulību ceremonija Pareizticīgo baznīcā. / Weddings ceremony at the Orthodox Church. |
If someone is telling that 2015 was rainy,
they should check out pictures from our planned weddings- Summer! Summer!
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Kāzas notika pludmalē. Šajā brīdī viesi izklaidējas gaidot jauno pāri. /
The wedding took place on the beach- the
place where guests
were entertained while they’re waiting for newlyweds. |
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Romantiskas pusdienas... / Romantic lunch. |
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Prieks un Pārsteigums bērniem! / Joy and surprise for kids. |
Kāzas pludmalē, baltas, maigas ar rozā akcentiem, tā, lai nekas nav pārspīlēts, taču ir skaisti. /
Wedding one the beach- white, soft with pink
touch, in a way that there are no exaggerations, but it’s still beautiful.
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Maigs un sievišķīgs galda noformējums - kā radīts Svetlanai! / Soft and feminine table dressing- just a way for Svetlana. |
Par mūziķu izvēli kāzām ir īpašs stāsts. Kāzās nebija paredzēta dzīvā mūzika, taču braucot apskatīt svinību vietu es dalījos savā sajūsmā par Intaru Busuli tik spēcīgi, ka nākamajā dienā līgava jautāja vai varu viņu sarunāt kāzām :). /
We have a special story about choosing
musicians for this day. It wasn’t planned to have a live musicians for this
wedding, but when we went to check out celebration place, I was sharing my
excitement about Intars Busulis. This excitement was so strong, that on the
next day bride asked me if I can arrange him on their wedding.
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Intars Busulis izrādās ir arī līgavas tēta iemīļots mūziķis! Viesu prieks nav aprakstāms :) / We found out that Intars Busulis is the brides fathers favorite musician. Hard to explain guests joy. |
Kāzu tortei būtisks ir gan izskats, gan garša, gan pasniegšanas veids.
Jāatzīmē, ka pārim degustācijā garšoja vairākas tortes, tāpēc tām, kuras
netika kāzu tortes godā, tika dota iespēja priecēt saldumu galdā. /
As for wedding cake- its look, taste and way
of serving is really important. I would like to emphasize that while couple was
tasting cakes, they liked a lot of them, that is why, those cakes who they
didn’t choose as their main cake, had a chance to be part of the wedding on the
sweets table.
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Kāzu torte: Liene Zemīte "Lapsas māja"./ Wedding cake- Liene Zemīte „Lapsas māja” |
- Iespēju rīkot tik mīļas un skaistas kāzas;
- Uzticēšanos mūsu komandai - kāzas sākot plānot no attāluma.
Paldies fotogrāfei Džeinai Saulītei par skaistajām kāzu bildēm. Katras kāzas ir intīms notikums- tieši tāpēc blogā un mājaslapā ievietojam tikai dažas no kāzu fotogrāfijām.
Thank you Svetlana and Tur for:
- For giving me a chance to organize such a sweet and beautiful wedding;
- Trusting in our team- to start to organize this weeding from the distance.
Special thanks to coordinator Sandra
Ādamsone, who despite short terms all big and small things could put in the
right direction.
Thanks to photographer Džeina Saulīte for
beautiful wedding photos. Every wedding is intimate event- that is why in this
blog and the homepage we put only few pictures from weddings.