Man ir neliels stāsts:
Kā jau klasiskai trīsdesmitgadniecei man ir vīrs, divi bērni un nesen remontēts mājoklis.
Sākotnēji piesaistīju dizaineri Lauru Danilāni (Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas maģistra grāds), jo bija nepieciešams dzīvokļa projekts. Koka māja, kurā atrodas dzīvoklis ir vairāk kā 100 gadus veca, tāpēc tika mainītas sijas, sienas, logi, liktas grīdas, vilkta elektrība un gāze. To visu ar mani un vīru konsultējoties saplānoja Laura. Pēc Lauras projekta strādāja celtnieki un elektriķi.
Otrais posms bija dzīvokļa iekārtošana. Patiesībā jau pie pirmā posma parādījās daži darbiņi:
- Koka logu krāsu izvēle mani mulsināja, jo Lauras ieteiktā krāsa bija pelēkzaļa, nu nekas tāds, ko es izvēlētos.
- Durvju izvēle. Pasūtot logus maksājot rēķinu žmiedzu ciet acis – ilgtermiņa ieguldījums – viss saprotams. Bet durvis, tās taču ir tikai durvis. Taču Laura saka, nekā, tās nav tikai durvis. Svarīgi ir, lai durvis ir kvalitatīvas un no koka. Ar kāru aci apskatīju veikalos esošo durvju cenas, izbraukājām dažus citus durvju ražotājus un ar pāris mēnešu novēlošanos devos pasūtīt durvis turpat, kur iepriekš logus.
Why work with a wedding agency?
I have a
little story to share with you:
As a
classic thirty-year-old I have a husband, two children and an apartment
renovated not very long ago.
At first I
started cooperating with Laura Danilāne (Master of Arts in Art Academy of
Latvia) because I needed to have a blueprint for my apartment. The wooden house
I own an apartment in is more than 100 years old. Beams, walls, windows,
floors, electricity, and gas – everything had to be changed completely. Who did
this entire great work? Laura! She consulted with my husband and constructors
and electricians worked by her blueprint afterwards.
The second
thing in the to-do-list was furnishing the apartment. Honestly, even in the
first part of the renovation there were some little things to do regarding
furniture and arrangement:
The colours
for wooden windows were a bit confusing to me. Laura had suggested a grey-green
colour. Nothing of a kind I would have chosen.
The door.
When ordering the windows and paying for them, I kept my eyes shut and said to
myself – this is a long term investment, no worries. But the door! It’s just
door, right? But Laura said that it’s NOT just door. The door being of high
quality and made of wood – that’s important. I ran through all the prices for doors in retail shops, and I visited
a lot of other manufacturers. In the end, after a few months, I ordered the
door at the same place I had ordered the windows.
Tālāk sekoja viens pārsteigums pēc otra – tik daudz jautājumu un Laura uz visiem zina atbildes. Izrunājām, kurām pozīcijām esam un kurām neesam gatavi „tērēties”, piemēram, virtuves iekārtu braucām pirkt uz Polijas IKEA.
Bija sajūta, ka Laura nav īsti apmierināta ar krāsām kādās vēlos vannas istabu, jo dzīvoklim jābūt saskaņotam kopumā. Tomēr arī tur pēc daudziem kopīgiem veikalu apmeklējumiem Laura atrada risinājumu. Toties pie nesaskaitāmajām sienu krāsu bundžiņām es devos K-Rauta kafejnīcā pēc burkānu sulas, atstājot Lauru vienu!.
surprise after another followed next – so many questions but Laura knew answers
to all of them! We discussed spending money on particular things. For example,
the kitchen furniture had to be bought in IKEA in Poland.
There was a
feeling that Laura isn’t quite satisfied with the colours I would like to have
my bathroom in because the apartment has to be complete and matched as a whole.
However, Laura found a solution for this problem as well. We visited a number
of retail and wholesale shops together. Nevertheless, when we had investigated
a number of colour cans, I went to the cafe of K-Rauta and ordered carrot
juice, leaving Laura alone!
Rezultātā man ir dienas, kad eju pa dzīvokli vai arī lasu gultā grāmatu un man gribas kliegt no tā cik sajūsmināta es esmu par vietu, kur atrodos. Tā ir tik ļoti mana!
As a
result, I have those days when I walk around my apartment or read a book and I
just want to scream of how happy and amazed I am for the place I am in. It is
so MINE!

Taču es zinu, ka bez Lauras nekas tāds nebūtu, ik detaļai, krāsai ir pieskārusies Lauras ideja, nemaz nerunājot par tīri tehniskiem plānojumiem. Un, kas ir pats būtiskākais – tas ir MANS SAPŅU DZĪVOKLIS! Tas ir būtiski, jo Laura ņēma vērā katru manu piezīmi, katru manu ideju par to, kas man ir svarīgs (arī mana vīra). Piemēram: ideāla ģimenes dzīve man asociējas ar kopīgām brokastīm pie liela koka galda, kurš atrodas virtuvē pie loga. Pēc Lauras ieteikuma izdevās mājas īpašnieku pierunāt pārcelt vienu sienu, samazinot guļamistabu, lai tieši šī virtuves daļa būtu plašāka un gaišāka.
None of my
girlfriends (at least they said so) had worked with an interior designer when
building a house or renovating an apartment. I have heard many questions about
why I had cooperated with Laura from them because everything is so simple,
classic and minimal.
But I know
that without Laura I wouldn’t have an apartment like this now. Every detail,
every colour has been brought into my apartment with Laura’s notice. And let’s
not go in detail about highly technical matters! However, the most important
thing of all is that I HAVE THE APARTMENT OF MY DREAMS! It is very crucial
because Laura considered my every remark, my every idea on the matters that are
important to me (and to my husband). For example: as to me, perfect family life
associates with breakfast together around a big wooden table, which stands near
a window in a kitchen. For that reason, we talked with the owner of the house
to move the wall a little bit. Therefore I got a smaller bedroom but a lighter
and larger kitchen.
Varbūt kāds jautās, kāpēc šāds salīdzinājums? Man Lauras darbs šķiet perfekti atbilstošs manam darbam. Profesionāls kāzu koordinators:
v pārzina tirgus piedāvājumu (jaunumus, cenas, iespējas);
v zina konkrētā pakalpojuma vai preces kopējo nozīmīgumu pasākumā;
v zina, kā tas izskatīsies kopumā;
v spēj izdarīt izvēli, ja klients tajā nevēlas iedziļināties;
v informē klientu, ja kāda viņa ideja neiederas konkrētajās kāzās, bet piekāpjas, ja klients vienalga to vēlas;
v redz kādas kāzas izskatīsies kopumā;
v rakstiski informē un saskaņo ar visiem kāzās iesaistītajiem darbiniekiem un sadarbības partneriem klienta vēlmes;
v koordinē darbiniekus un sadarbības partnerus;
v pārzina tehniskās iespējas un vajadzības;
v iesaista klientu tik daudz, cik pats klients to vēlas;
v cenšas izstrādāt scenāriju pēc iespējas personiskāku.
probably may ask why I am telling this to you. I assume Laura’s work is
perfectly the same as mine is. A professional wedding coordinator:
the supply (innovations, prices, opportunities);
the importance of any detail in a wedding;
the overall ‘picture’ – what is it going to look like at the end;
able to choose if the client is not interested in choosing something;
the client if one of his/her wishes doesn’t fit into the particular wedding,
and accepts the client’s choice if the wish is crucial;
client’s wishes on a sheet of paper and ensures that information being taken
into account by all the employees involved in the wedding, as well as other
the employees and the partner companies;
the technical opportunities and needs;
the client as much as he/she wishes;
to create the scenario as much as personal and individual as possible.
Photos from Inese and Armands’s wedding.