Mums katram ģimenē vai draugu lokā ir savi ieradumi un tradīcijas Ziemassvētku svinēšanai. Katru gadu apdomāju, kādus vēlos veidot savus Ziemassvētkus, jo tie tiek svinēti vismaz trīs dienas.
Everyone has
their own traditions for celebrating Christmas. Every year I think about the
Christmas I would like to have in my family because it is celebrated for at
least three days.
Ziemassvētku noskaņas radīšana pirms svētkiem:
Creating Christmas feeling before the
- Piparkūku cepšana un glazēšana.
- Mājokļa noformēšana.
- Sveces.
- Mūzika.
- Eglītes rotājumu izgatavošana un eglītes kopīga dekorēšana.
- Ziemassvētku koncerti, teātra izrādes un "bērnu eglītes".
- Dāvanu un apsveikuma kartīšu gatavošana kopā ar bērniem.
- Bērniem vakara pasakas vietā - Ziemassvētku dziesmas.
- Baking gingerbreads and decorating them
- Decorating home
- Candles
- Music
- Making Christmas tree decorations and decorating it together
- Christmas concerts, theatre plays and children Christmas parties
- Creating gifts and holiday cards together with children
- A substitute for the daily evening's fairytale - Christmas songs

- Jau iepriekš ieplānoti arī viegli un garšīgi dārzeņu ēdieni.
- Pastaiga uz tuvējo kalniņu, lai vizinātos ar ragavām.
- Kādā no Ziemassvētku dienām brauciens uz mežu, lai dekorētu eglīti ar burkāniem un āboliem. Pie reizes izvārtīties sniegā pie jūras.
- Pieaugušie sagatavo bērniem nelielu uzvedumu ar rokas lellēm, stāstot pašu sacerētu Ziemassvētku pasaku, papildinot ar Ziemassvētku dziesmām.
- Kāds no vīriešiem pārģērbjas par rūķi, vai kāda no sievietēm par sniegbaltīti, lai svinīgāk pasniegtu dāvanas pie eglītes.
- Sagatavot lapiņas vai grāmatiņas ar dziesmu vārdiem.
- Ja ģimenē ir bērni, tad katru Ziemassvētku dienu sagatavot pa mazu dāvaniņu zem eglītes.
- Ja Ziemassvētku vakars tiek svinēts lielā ģimenes lokā, tad savā mazajā ģimenē svinīgas brokastis vai pusdienas.
- Draugu Ziemassvētki! Lai arī tiem būtu jābūt jautriem, mums tie parasti ir romantiski, mīļi un sirsnīgi – pavadīti sarunās un dziesmās.
- Baznīcas vai Ziemassvētku koncerta apmeklējums.
- Bernībā Ziemassvētkos vienmēr gājām ķekatās, jo skolasbiedri dzīvoja tajā pašā rajonā. Tās ir manas otras spilgtākās atmiņas no Ziemassvētkiem bērnībā (pirmās ir dāvanas:)).Ceru, ka šī tradīcija kādreiz atdzims arī manā ģimenē.
On Christmas:
Make the table specially. You can even have the dishes and napkins taken on hire out in Arkolat or Gemoss (in both of those warehouses prices are about 30% lower than in retail shops). Holidays can be a great reason to give some special dishes for you.
Plan healthy and tasty vegetable dishes as well.
Take a walk to the nearest hill to have fun with sledges.
Go to a forest in one of the Christmas days to decorate a fir with carrots and apples. Roll in snow next to sea.
The adults prepare a little show for the children with wooden dolls, telling a self-created Christmas fairytale, supplementing it with Christmas songs.
One of the males dresses as a gnome or one of the females - as a Snow White to stand next to the
Christmas tree and give gifts.
Prepare sheets or tiny books with song lyrics.
If there are children in the family, prepare separate gifts for each of the Christmas days to hide under the
Christmas tree.
If the Christmas Eve is being celebrated in a big family, then have special breakfast or lunch in your little family.
Friend Christmas! Make them fun as well! Spend them romantically and sweet - sing songs and have a talk with each other.
Attend a church or a Christmas concert.
In my childhood, we always dressed in costumes and did mummeries with our schoolmates. These are my second brightest memories from Christmas in childhood (the brightest - GIFTS! :) ). I hope this tradition will someday be reborn in my family as well.
Manas personīgās apņemšanās ik gadu - domāt tikai labas domas un neieslēgt datoru. Koncentrēties uz "ŠEIT UN TAGAD", lai izbaudītu ik brīdi šo skaisto svētku!
My personal resolutions every year - to think only good thoughts and not turn the computer on.
Concentrate on 'HERE AND NOW' to enjoy every moment of this beautiful holiday time!
On Christmas:
Make the table specially. You can even have the dishes and napkins taken on hire out in Arkolat or Gemoss (in both of those warehouses prices are about 30% lower than in retail shops). Holidays can be a great reason to give some special dishes for you.
Plan healthy and tasty vegetable dishes as well.
Take a walk to the nearest hill to have fun with sledges.
Go to a forest in one of the Christmas days to decorate a fir with carrots and apples. Roll in snow next to sea.
The adults prepare a little show for the children with wooden dolls, telling a self-created Christmas fairytale, supplementing it with Christmas songs.
One of the males dresses as a gnome or one of the females - as a Snow White to stand next to the
Christmas tree and give gifts.
Prepare sheets or tiny books with song lyrics.
If there are children in the family, prepare separate gifts for each of the Christmas days to hide under the
Christmas tree.
If the Christmas Eve is being celebrated in a big family, then have special breakfast or lunch in your little family.
Friend Christmas! Make them fun as well! Spend them romantically and sweet - sing songs and have a talk with each other.
Attend a church or a Christmas concert.
In my childhood, we always dressed in costumes and did mummeries with our schoolmates. These are my second brightest memories from Christmas in childhood (the brightest - GIFTS! :) ). I hope this tradition will someday be reborn in my family as well.
Manas personīgās apņemšanās ik gadu - domāt tikai labas domas un neieslēgt datoru. Koncentrēties uz "ŠEIT UN TAGAD", lai izbaudītu ik brīdi šo skaisto svētku!
My personal resolutions every year - to think only good thoughts and not turn the computer on.
Concentrate on 'HERE AND NOW' to enjoy every moment of this beautiful holiday time!
Internetā raksti par šo tēmu:
Articles on this topic on the Internet:
Ļaujies Ziemassvētku priekiem. Enjoy the Christmas pleasures
Ģimenes svētki un tradīcijas. Family holidays and traditions
Latviešu Ziemassvētku tradīcijas. Latvian Christmas traditions
Būšu pateicīga, ja komentāros ierakstīsiet kā Jūs svinat Ziemassvētkus!
Smaidoša un svētku noskaņās,
would be very glad to read comments about how you celebrate Christmas!
With smile and holiday spirit,
With smile and holiday spirit,