Pirms dažiem gadiem, kad jautāju klientiem, ko Jūs vēlētos savās kāzās - atbilde bija SNIEGPUTENI! Šīs arī ir vienīgās aģentūras organizētās kāzas, kurās bija skaists un romantisks sniegputenis. Svinību zāle bija izvēlēta ar stiklotām sienām un daba nodrošināja pašu galveno šo kāzu dekorāciju.
Mums ar visiem klientiem ir līgums par fotogrāfiju izmantošanu tikai ar viņu atļauju, diemžēl šis pāris nepiekrīt publiskot savas kāzu fotogrāfijas. Tapēc iedrošinājumam citiem pāriem, pievienošu internetā atrodamas fotogrāfijas:
A few years ago, when asking my clients: ‘What would you like to have on your wedding?’ the answer was: ‘A SNOWFALL!’ This is the only wedding with a beautiful and romantic snowfall the agency has ever organized. The celebration room had glass walls and the nature ensured everyone with the most important decoration of the wedding.
Our company has an agreement on publishing photos from our clients’ wedding only with their permission. Unfortunately, this couple didn’t agree to publish their photos. Therefore, to cheer up other couples, I attached photos available on the Internet:
A few years ago, when asking my clients: ‘What would you like to have on your wedding?’ the answer was: ‘A SNOWFALL!’ This is the only wedding with a beautiful and romantic snowfall the agency has ever organized. The celebration room had glass walls and the nature ensured everyone with the most important decoration of the wedding.
Our company has an agreement on publishing photos from our clients’ wedding only with their permission. Unfortunately, this couple didn’t agree to publish their photos. Therefore, to cheer up other couples, I attached photos available on the Internet:
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http://wedding-splendor.com/winter-wedding-tips/ |
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www.baltskars.lv |
If you like snowfall, we can make it happen with
the help of decorations and menu, in case the Mother Nature doesn’t give it to
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Mālpils muižas šefpavārs Jānis Čereškevičš. Fotogrāfs Rolfs Vendiņš.
Mālpils manor head-cook Jānis Čereškevičš.
Photographer Rolfs Vendiņš.