Man tik bieži jautā, ko dara kāzu organizators ziemā. Kamēr vēl nav pienākusi pirmdiena ar citiem darbiem, nedaudz par to, kā pagāja viena mana klasiskā darba diena - šī sestdiena.
9:45 cenšos pēc iespējas ātrāk izdrukāt uz tikšanos nepieciešamās tāmēs un baru sevi par to, ka varēju to izdarīt jau vakar vakarā...
10:00 otrā tikšanās ar klientiem "Skype video call" - tas ir ideāli, ka ir šāda iespēja, jo ar pāriem, kuri nedzīvo Latvijā mums ir tikpat kvalitatīva tikšanās kā "dzīvajā". Izrunājam visas tāmes pozīcijas, no kurām visvairāk par šobrīd aktuālāko - svinību vietas izvēle.

Jau otro nedēļu aktuāli ir Ouvertyr kolekcijas gredzeni.
15:40 mani gaida ziņas e-pastā, kuras nolemju atbildēt, jo pirmdiena jau nāks ar citiem darbiem! Vienā no e-pastiem ir ielūgumu mākslinieces atsūtītās fotogrāfijas ar šonedēļ nodotajiem kāzu ielūgumiem!
17:10 beidzās mana saulainā darba sestdiena!
P.S. ap 20:00 man zvana iluzionists, kuru iepriekšējā dienā centos sazvanīt, lai apstiprinātu kāzām rezervāciju - VASARA TUVOJAS!
Nu viena darbīga&saulaina&pozitīva sestdiena :)
Ar :)
This Saturday was a great working day :)
I have been
asked a lot of times: ‘What does a wedding planner do in winter?’ While Monday
with its tasks hasn’t come yet, a little bit about my classic working day –
this Saturday.
9:45 Tried
to print out the necessary estimates for the meeting with clients. Scolded
myself for not having printed the estimates already yesterday.
Second meeting with clients on Skype video call. Skype video call offers a
great opportunity to meet clients who live outposts Latvia almost face to face.
We discussed all the positions of the plan and concentrated on the most
important issue at the moment – the place for the event.
12:30 A
meeting with a big surprise for me – clients who had already been to two other
weddings (that I had organized) and already had an opinion on certain wedding
agency’s services. Now this was the best compliment! Imagine – wedding guests
come to the same agency to have their wedding there! :) Both weddings they had visited had been quite
different from each other and that had given a chance to them to see how
differentiated weddings we offer.
Wedding ring samples try-on. Is there any other company in Latvia that offers
such a big range of rings to try on? Wedding and engagement rings
For the
second week in row, collection’s ‘Ouvertyr’ rings are popular.
15:40 My
inbox is full of e-mails and I begin replying them because I’ll have other
things to do on Monday! One of the e-mails contained photos for the invitations
delivered this week!
17:10 My
sunny Saturday work day ends!
Approximately at 20:00 I receive a call from an illusionist I didn’t manage to
call the day before – THE SUMMER IS COMING!
diligent&sunny&positive Saturday :)
With :)